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Quick and Easy Repair Instructions:

1. Print and fill out our Handpiece Repair Form.
2. Fill out our Local Pickup Request Form.
3. Package your sterile handpieces with our Handpiece Repair Form. 
4. Your handpieces will be picked up at your optimal pickup time.
5. Your handpieces will be assessed quickly, repaired and returned to you with a net-15 invoice. 

Handpiece Repair Form (Click Form to Print)

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Local Pickup Request: Complete Form For A FREE Local Pickup in Tri-Cities, WA.

Local Pickup Request Form

Completely Fill In The Text Boxes Below & Complete This Form For Free Local Pickup & Delivery.              - All information submitted is secure and will never be sold or used for advertisement purposes -

Thank you! We have received your request and will pick up your handpieces during your optimal pickup time within one business day. Ensure handpieces are sterile and ready prior to pickup.

 FREE Local Pickup • FREE Local Delivery 

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